Want to learn how to optimize your Homebot account? Join one (or more!) of our weekly workshops below. Click on the pink links to register!
Are you a Real Estate Agent? Check out all of our workshops for agents HERE.
The Value of Homebot - From Your Client's Perspective | Thursday at 11 AM (MT)
In this webinar, we'll walk through:
The automated monthly emails for homeowners and buyers
The homeowner report
The buyer report and Homebot Home Search
The Homebot Mobile App
Best Practices for Lenders | Monday at 12 PM (MT)
In this workshop, you'll learn how to:
Create call lists from client engagement
Set up your profile to match your brand
Add clients, and manage your database
Generate leads and build a referral network
Customize your account with video
Landing Agent Partners | Wednesday at 12 PM (MT)
In this training, you'll learn how to:
Show agents the value of partnering with you on Homebot
Scripts and ideas for approaching the agent with value
Nurture agent relationships through Homebot
Ensure a successful relationship once connected on Homebot
This is a training for lenders to join or share with interested agents: The Benefits of Co-Branding With a Lender on Homebot | Wednesdays at noon MT
In this training, you'll learn the following:
The additional features and benefits of being co-sponsored by a lender
How co-sponsorship works
Subscription and pricing options for agents
The Homebot Mobile App | Thursday at 12 PM (MT)
In this training, you'll learn:
What the mobile app is and how it's different from the desktop/mobile-friendly version of Homebot
How to nurture your clients and generate leads with the mobile app
How existing clients and new leads successfully download the mobile app
A Guide to Using Video | Friday at 11 AM (MT)
In this workshop you'll learn:
The difference between Video Email, Bombbomb, and Video Manager
How each video works and how it looks for your database
Content ideas and example videos
Build Your Database | Friday at 12 PM (MT)
In this workshop you'll learn:
How Homebot landing pages work and best practices.
How and where you can share them on social media, print marketing materials, and in-person events.
The formula for crafting successful messaging with Homebot examples