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How to Delete a Client
Erica McGarvey avatar
Written by Erica McGarvey
Updated over a week ago

This article explains how to delete a client from the Homeowners and Buyers tab.

You may also delete unengaged clients in bulk or one at a time from the issues tab.

1. Under the Manage tab, select the client type - Homeowner or Buyers:

2. Once you've selected the client type, you can use the search bar to find the client you'd like to delete:

3a. If a Homeowner, click the blue pencil icon next to their name and click 'Delete client':

3b. If a Buyer, click the blue pencil icon next to their name and click 'Delete buyer':

That's it! The client and their home/profile will be successfully deleted, and they will no longer receive emails from Homebot.

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