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How to Understand Your Billing Info Page

Learn about how we charge for clients in your account.

Erica McGarvey avatar
Written by Erica McGarvey
Updated over a week ago

The Client Meter on the Billing Info page is the best place to see your billable client count and remaining client capacity on your Homebot plan.

Note: Client counts are updated nightly, so check back the following day after adding new clients to verify your totals.

What is a billable client?

For billing, we charge per:

  • Property unit

  • Stand-alone buyer

Property Unit: Your overall billable client count reflects the number of property units within your database -- not the individual homeowner. We do not charge for co-owners or co-borrowers.

If you have a client in your account with 3 properties, you'll be charged for 3 billable clients.

Stand-alone buyer: Any client that is not associated with a property in Homebot. Standalone Buyers receive the monthly Buyers' Report, but won't be sent a Home Digest since they don't have a home address in the system.

If you have a client in your account who is both a homeowner and a buyer, they are considered 1 billable client, not 2.

PRO TIP: Looking for ways to lower your client count? Use the Issues Tab to re-engage or delete unengaged clients that are being counted towards your client capacity.
If you delete clients and become eligible for the lower client billing block, contact [email protected] to adjust your bill accordingly.

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