The Client Meter on the Billing Info page is the best place to see your billable client count and remaining client capacity on your Homebot plan. This is also where you can update your payment.
Client counts are updated nightly, so check back the following day after adding new clients to verify your totals.
What is a billable client?
For billing, we charge per:
Property unit
Stand-alone buyer
We do not charge for co-borrowers. Learn how to add a co-borrower HERE.
Property Unit
Your overall billable client count reflects the number of property units within your database -- not the individual homeowner. We do not charge for co-owners or co-borrowers.
If you have a client in your account with 3 properties, you'll be charged for 3 billable clients.
Stand-alone buyer
Any client that is not associated with a property in Homebot. Standalone Buyers receive the monthly Buyers' Report, but won't be sent a Home Digest since they don't have a home address in the system.
If you have a client in your account who is both a homeowner and a buyer, they are considered 1 billable client, not 2.
Reducing your bill
Looking for ways to lower your client count? Use the Email Issues Key Client List to delete unengaged clients that are being counted towards your client capacity. Learn more HERE.
If you delete clients and become eligible for the lower client billing block, contact [email protected] to adjust your bill accordingly.