Your clients can invite friends, family, and neighbors to receive their own personalized homeowner or buyer report -- from YOU!
π¨Best practice: When talking to a client enjoying Homebot, be sure to mention the Share Homebot button at the bottom of their report!
From within their report, they'll find a Share Homebot button at the bottom, just above your branding, and an Invite Friends to Join CTA on the left navigation bar:
And when they do, the invited party will receive an email from Homebot inviting them to complete their registration (see below).
Once they complete a short form, they'll receive their first Homebot report within 24 hours and you will receive email notifications:
If you'd like to push the report out right away, you can do so from their profile:
What's next?
Introduce yourself with a personalized video and walk them through the report! Don't use BombBomb? Once your client opens and views their digest, give them a call and introduce yourself! See if they have any questions.
Discover all the ways to capture new leads with Homebot