Homebot Home Search Email Notifications Sent to Your Clients

Clients using Homebot Home Search get insights-rich listing notifications and enhanced market reports in their inbox. Read more here.

Written by Leia Schultz
Updated over a week ago

What Emails do Clients get with Homebot Home Search?

Clients using Homebot Home Search to find a home to buy receive listing notification emails and market report emails with personalized insights about homes and markets directly in their inbox. These emails highlight your brand and contact information, while empowering your clients to make smart decisions in their home buying journey.

Homebot Home Search is available to Loan Officers on Homebot and Agents on Homebot who are cosponsored by a Lender.

Market Report

The market report emails clients get are enhanced with personalized insights about homes in the markets they're interested in buying in.

  • Market reports are automatically delivered monthly to your clients.

  • These emails include information on for-sale homes and market conditions based on the most recent zip code the buyer was using in Homebot. If a client hasn't specified a zip code, their insights will be based on the zip code of the home they most recently saved as a favorite listing.

  • Market reports have cost and savings estimates based on the budget criteria a buyer sets up in Homebot Home Search.

  • Within their market report email, clients can easily access Market Explorer or a listing in Homebot Home Search.

Favorited Listing and Saved Search Notifications

Clients using Homebot Home Search can save specific search parameters and also favorite listings. When they save searches, we'll inform them of any updates to for-sale homes within their specs. And if they favorite a listing, we'll let them know if it's pending or no longer on the market.

  • Listing notification emails are sent daily. Clients start to receive them when they save a search or a favorite home in Homebot Home Search.

  • If there aren't relevant updates to homes where they're browsing, they will not get an email. And, clients will stop receiving listing notifications when they no longer have saved searches or favorite listings.

  • Each listing notification email includes smart, fair, or weak buy insights, based on your client's customized budget and settings (added to their Your Profile tab). They also keep buyers updated on things like price changes and homes under contract.

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